PromOTe OT provides services to all plan managed and self-managed clients. (from age of 6 months and above)
Private Health Funds:
Many private health plans cover Occupational Therapy services. We are registered with most private health funds. The amount refunded will be dependent on your level of cover. Please contact your private health fund to find out whether your plan covers OT services your rebate on it.
Chronic Disease Management Plan:
This plan gives you 5 subsidised sessions for allied health, including OT. This plan can be renewed each calendar year. If your child has a chronic medical condition and this condition is being managed by your GP, your child might be eligible for the EPC plan. This plan is established by your GP and the allied health professional is invited to participate under this plan. Sessions are paid as usual but you take your receipt to Medicare for the rebate. Ask your GP if you are eligible for rebate through CDMP.
Autism and Better Start Initiatives: Medicare rebates can be accessed by children under 15 years with a diagnosis of ASD, Downs Syndrome, CP, Hearing and Vision impairments and Fragile X Syndrome as long as they receive the diagnosis prior to 13 years of age. Occupational Therapists can provide up to 4 assessment services per child over the lifetime and up to 20 intervention services per child over a lifetime. Please be aware that these services CANNOT be renewed annually and can be used for other allied health services.